The Cape Town Gem & Mineral Club (officially registered as the Mineralogical Society of Southern Africa) is a hobby club founded in 1962 by a small group of enthusiastic mineral collectors.
An Open Day is held on the first Saturday of every month (except January) from 10:00 to 14:00 at its clubhouse in Bothasig. Members and the general public are very welcome to attend. Entrance is free. Mineral specimens, crystals, worked natural stone objects such as spheres, as well as gems, beads, and jewellery can be seen, and information gained about this hobby. Minerals are discussed, swopped or purchased according to whim.
On the second Saturday of the month the Monthly Meeting is held. Speakers from within the club, or invited from outside, present talks or demonstrate items of a mineralogical nature. For members there is a monthly newsletter known as the Mineral Chatter. This contains details of forthcoming events, mineralogical articles, and other items of interest, such as machinery, minerals or gem rough for sale. This website is updated monthly with the Diary and latest original article from the Mineral Chatter.
History: Since its inception in 1962, the club first met at the Atheneum in Claremont and later with a workshop at the Montebello complex in Newlands. In 1993 the meetings and workshop moved to Bothasig, a northern suburb of Cape Town. In 2005 the club became more commonly known as the Cape Town Gem & Mineral Club. The club achieved Non-Profit Organisation status in 2008, but still falls under the umbrella of the Federation of South African Gem & Mineral Societies (FOSAGAMS). In 2012 our club celebrated its 50th anniversary, and its 60th anniversary in 2022.
The formal objects of the club are to promote and support interest in, knowledge of, and appreciation for mineralogy, geology and other sciences and arts relating to lapidary craft, and to pursue appropriate initiatives in furtherance of such objects. The motto of the club is Omnem Movere Lapidem – leave no stone unturned!
Field trips are arranged occasionally. These may take members out crystal hunting, studying local granites, or investigating the pegmatites of the Northern Cape. We have a strict code of ethics regarding mineral collecting to ensure the protection of sites for posterity, and the respect for the farmers or mine owners whose land we visit. Cape Town and the Western Cape do not have much in the way of mineral specimens so field trips are of necessity at least three hours' drive away to places such as the pegmatites along the Orange River. Don't forget that there is some wonderful geology in the Western Cape. For that, and also the rock art in the Western and Northern Capes, follow this link FIELD GUIDES. No visits may take place without the landowner's permission.
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