Mineral of the Month - Cerussite
Posted by Site Moderator Webmaster on Thursday, January 27, 2011 Under: Mineral of the Month
Crystal system: Orthorhombic Hardness: 3 - 3,5
Density: 6,5 average Cleavage: good
Streak: white Colour: colourless. white, gray, blue,
and green
Occurrence: Occurrence:
It is a lead carbonate mineral, usually found in the oxidized zones of lead ore
deposits. It is a very common weathering
product of galena and other ore minerals.
Habitat: Habitat: Commonly twinned, often as sixlings. Single crystals are usually tabular and
elongated along the a-axis; also equant, rarely acicular or thin tabular. As clusters of crystals, reticulated masses,
or “jackstraw” aggregates. Crystals are often
Composition: Leadcarbonate PbCO3
Cerussite also ranks as one of my favourite
minerals. The reason for this is
simple….it contains almost 80% lead and you can see right through it…how cool
and amazing is that!
Cerussite is an “old” mineral and knowledge
of its existence dates back to 400 BC. The name is derived from the Latin word cerussa, meaning white lead. Cerussa nativa was mentioned
by Conrad Gessner in 1565 and in 1832 F. S. Beudant applied the name cruse to
the mineral, whilst the present name is accredited to W.
Haidinger (1845). In early
use it was referred to by the miners as lead-spar and white-lead-ore.
It is found in considerable
quantities and
its lead contents can be as high as 77.5 %. Its industrial uses include
ore of lead and often also of silver. “White lead” is the key ingredient
in (now
discontinued) lead paints. Ingestion of
lead-based paint chips is the most common cause of lead poisoning in
children. Both “white lead” and lead
acetate have been used in cosmetics throughout history, although this
has ceased in Western Countries. It is,
therefore, recommended to wash your hands after handling it and avoid
dust when breaking it. Also learn from
my personal experience; never wash specimens and place them outside in
sunlight in the middle of the day….they will crack and break. Also never
wash specimens in water that is
too hot or too cold.
Cerussite very frequently is twinned, the
compound crystal being pseudo-hexagonal in form. Three crystals are usually twinned together
on two faces of the prism, producing six-rayed stellate groups with individual
crystals intercrossing at angles of nearly 60°. Crystals are of frequent occurrence and they usually have very bright
and smooth faces.
The type locality for this mineral is Vicenza
Province in Italy. Worldwide localities
include U.S.A, Zambia, Morocco, New Zealand, Sardinia, Scotland, Germany,
England, Australia, Czech Republic, South Africa and of course the Tsumeb mine
in Namibia.
Cerussite specimens from Tsumeb vary greatly
in form, colour and associations. Besides azurite, it is probably the most famous mineral from this
locality. In the first oxidation zone
the finest examples occurred between 150 to 250 metres. As with anglesite, crystals were not found
deeper than 400 metres in the first oxidation zone, but again in the other
zones. Tsumeb cerussites break all
records with reference to size, beauty and crystallisation. The largest reported crystals were up to 60
cm in length. It was so common and
abundant during the seventies that dealers sold perfect gemmy crystals for as
little as 1 to 2 US dollars each. Back
then the South African Rand was a much stronger currency than it is today so it
was really cheap.
The colour of Tsumeb cerussites ranges from
colourless, yellow, green, brown, red, to black. A green colour is due to the inclusions of
malachite and superb green crystals of up to 5 cm were found. A few of these remarkable crystals even
contain green phantoms. Gray phantoms
are formed by inclusions of galena and red cerussites have inclusions of
Although cerussite and azurite are both
carbonates, they rarely occur together on the same specimens, but when they do,
the one compliments the specific beauty of the other. Occasionally heart-like twins can be seen on
specimens, such as those associated with the azurite from the Easter
Pocket. A rare association with dioptase
was also found on the 30th level. The Houston
Museum has an
extraordinary specimen of this combination.
The last find of notable specimens from
Tsumeb in 1996 was a limited suite of carmine red cerussite crystals up to 2 cm
from the third oxidation zone. They provided a wonderful contrast to the
associated green malachite. This was the swansong befitting Tsumeb, providing
the last minerals that belong to a unique kind. JDJ
All Cerussites from
Tsumeb, Namibia. Specimens and photos by J. de Jongh
Georg, (1999) – Tsumeb II.
Campbell, Rupp, (1990) – Encyclopedia of Minerals Second Edition.
Mineralogical Record, (1977), Tsumeb!
In : Mineral of the Month
Tags: cerussite