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Duncan Miller

The faceting articles published over the past few years in the Mineral Chatter have been compiled into a single 128 page document, available for download for those interested in saving all the articles together. To download the pdf file click here.

A 29,18 ct cuprite from Onganja, Namibia, cut by Duncan Miller and now in a private collection in Germany.

Selecting Rough

June 25, 2016

By Duncan Miller

If you are going to facet, you need to learn something about mineralogy because you need to know what stones you should obtain, how their characteristics affect their behaviour while you are cutting and polishing them, and how they affect the optical properties of your finished gemstone. The easiest material for beginners to cut and polish is common red garnet. It presents no problem with cleavage or orientation for colour, and generally behaves itself well during ‘cutting’ and polishing. The only drawback is that most common red garnet is very dark, and so unless you make it small your final stone also will be dark. A good alternative is aquamarine. Even lightly included stones will give you a pretty gem, and it has no problem with cleavage. High quality, expensive aquamarine with a deep blue colour needs to be orientated properly for colour, but that is not the sort of material you should be cutting at first. Many people start faceting with quartz. It is cheap and readily available, so it is not a bad choice. Some people find quartz difficult to polish, but with an appropriate combination of lap and oxide polish it should not be problematic.

Colourless topaz is also fairly readily available and cheap, but with topaz you need to orientate your stone to avoid having any major facet, and in particular, the table facet, parallel to the
cleavage plane. In well-shaped crystals the cleavage plane direction usually is easy to determine, and your stone must be orientated with the table facet at least five degrees off the cleavage plane. With water-worn pebbles of topaz it can be difficult to identify the cleavage plane and you will have to ask someone with experience to help you. You also have to be able to distinguish water-worn topaz from water-worn quartz, either by relative hardness or density measurement. Topaz is harder in most directions than quartz, and it is more dense. But you need some experience in determining these differences.

Soft stones like fluorite and calcite are not recommended for beginners. They are heat sensitive, are far more difficult to polish, and have several different directions of easy cleavage, so are more tricky to orientate.

In selecting rough you have several things to look for, apart from mineral species. Rough needs to be a suitable
shape. Long needle-like crystals are difficult to facet without fracturing them. Thin, flat pieces of rough do not have enough depth to produce a good stone. Chunky pieces of rough will give you better recovery than pieces with irregular protrusions.

You need to look for
inclusions and flaws. Immersing the rough in water, baby oil, or a mineral oil like ‘liquid paraffin’ sold as a laxative, will allow you to see the interior to inspect it for flaws and inclusions. Do not hold the rough up to a strong light and peer directly at it to try to see inside it. Rather hold the stone under the edge of a shaded lamp, or shine a penlight torch through it from the side or beneath, but ensuring that the lighting is perpendicular to your line of sight. The extent of inclusions that make an acceptable stone is entirely up to you. Some inclusions, like rutile needles, can enhance a gem. Large numbers of fractures can weaken a stone and interfere with the passage of light. Small inclusions can be ‘hidden’ underneath facets near the girdle, where they will not be so obvious.

To assess the
colour of coloured rough, again do not hold it up to a strong light a look through the stone. This will give you a completely false idea of the colour of any gem you cut from it. Place the rough on a piece of white paper or a pocket mirror and inspect it in strong, but indirect white light. Don’t direct the light through the ‘back’ of the stone, but look at the colour reflected back through the stone. If you can’t see a desirable colour with this ‘white paper test’, the stone is not worth cutting.

Uneven colouring
needs to be orientated when you plan your stone. A strong band of colour in an otherwise colourless stone can be orientated parallel to the table to enhance the colour of the finished stone. A spot of deeper colour can be positioned in the middle of the stone or deeper towards the bottom point or keel, to reflect throughout the stone.

Many minerals show
pleochroism, that is, they have different colours when viewed in different directions. Tourmaline is a good example, usually having a stronger or different colour when viewed down the length of an elongated crystal as opposed to across its width. Where possible given the shape of the rough, strongly pleochroic stones need to be orientated to produce the most desirable colour when viewed through the table facet.

This all may sound a bit much, but fortunately you don’t usually have to take all these issues into account for any one stone. Shape and clarity probably are your main concerns to start with, then orientating for colour and cleavage. Sometimes you have to compromise. All the time, you have to keep learning.

Ametrine rough – quartz with different sectors coloured yellow and purple, a real puzzle when it comes to orientating the rough, in this case try to capture both colours when viewing the stone through the table.


Skorpion Mine, Rosh Pinah, Namibia - some rare and recent minerals

June 25, 2016

By Gisela Hinder, Rosh Pinah Geo Centre

The Skorpion non-sulphide zinc mine in southwestern Namibia has always produced interesting and rare minerals. To name only a few amongst the great variety of zinc carbonates, phosphates and silicates discovered at Skorpion, the skorpionite, hemimorphite, smithsonite and tarbuttite crystals are probably the best known. Nevertheless, Skorpion mine has an area where copper values in the host rock are higher, and minerals like malachite, chrysocolla, zincol...

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Azurite Suns: Mineral Masterpieces from Australia

May 25, 2016

Reproduced with the permission of Eric Greene of Treasure Mountain Mining

Azurite is a soft, deep blue copper mineral produced by the oxidation weathering of copper ore deposits. It is a favourite amongst mineral collectors because of its rich blue colour and wide availability in a variety of forms and colour variations, from sharp, lustrous brilliant dark blue crystals to thick, rich, colourful royal blue coatings on matrix.

Azurite suns are a unique form of azurite that has been found in ...

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Re-polishing a Table Facet

May 4, 2016
Anyone who re-polishes worn stones, or who tries to remove a scratch from a table facet, will be familiar with a common problem. Some stones, in my experience particularly tourmaline, appear to develop a resistant ‘skin’ during polishing, which impedes the re-polishing process. The effect is that you cannot re-polish the facet, which just slides over the lap, with your usual polishing combination. I think it is due to work-hardening of a surface layer; but there are other opinions about w...
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Water Splash Covers

March 24, 2016
To reduce water spray when facet cutting at high speed, use a splash guard cut from the lid of a cheap plastic bucket, or alternatively use a trimmed-down cake fruit mix bucket when cutting girdles on a Raytech faceting machine.

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Going Home

January 13, 2016
A 30 kg nugget of Onganja copper is returning home to Namibia for posterity.

The Onganja mining district is situated in Namibia about 80 km NE of Windhoek, near the town of Seeis. Copper and molybdenite ores were mined there for many years, but for mineral collectors Onganja was particularly famous for its cuprite and malachite specimens.

In very early times local Ovambos travelled up to 500 km south from their homeland to mine copper in the Onganja area. They smelted the copper ores (chalcocit...

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Photographing Minerals & Gemstones

November 23, 2015
It is relatively easy to take acceptable photographs of mineral specimens.  Five years ago I photographed my Riemvasmaak fluorite collection for illustrations for an article published in Lapis magazine (Miller, D. 2010. Die Fluorite von Riemvasmaak, Südafrika – ein Besuch vor Ort. Lapis Mineralien Magazin April: 38-44).  These were taken with nothing more sophisticated than a cardboard box with cut-out windows covered with matt tracing paper in sunlight, and sloping black or white paper in...

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Cutting Cerussite

August 25, 2015

17 mm square, 55 carat cerussite faceted by Duncan Miller from rough provided by Rockey Ollewagen

Cerussite is lead carbonate (PbCO3) and probably the best crystals come from Tsumeb. These can be large and glassy, usually clear, but sometimes grey, brown or red. It has a hardness of 3½; a specific gravity of 6,5; distinct cleavage in two directions; is very brittle and extremely heat sensitive. The refractive index is high, at 1,90 to 2,07; and the birefringence very strong. The dispersion is...

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An unconventional Way of pre-forming “Doorstops

July 23, 2015
I have an unfortunate tendency to cut “doorstops”, which in the faceting world means cutting a mighty big gem, such as the 50 carat amethyst shown here.

When a piece of rough asks to be cut into a gemstone, I always feel that I would like get the maximum-sized stone from the rough, regardless of a few inclusions, as they always add a bit of interest or a few additional flashes to the finished result.

BUT…….. cutting big pieces of quartz and not having any kind of pre-forming grinding wh...

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My new View of Mineral Specimens

July 23, 2015
by Dave Hawes

A few years ago I purchased a microscope from Rolf with the view of exploring my specimens to a greater depth. Like so many good intentions the microscope languished in a cupboard for a year or two before I found the time to put it to use and realise what I had been missing out on. Not only were there minerals in different habits, but also species that I did not know I had and also ones that I did not even recognise. It was a whole new fascinating world of discovery!

After a while...

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